Advisory Board

Introducing Brian Cade (Australia)










Brian Cade is a Brief and Family Therapist, an author, and an influential leader in the field of Brief and Family Therapy, worldwide. He is the author of the book, A Brief Guide to Brief Therapy, with Bill O’Hanlon, published in 1993, and has written over 80 professional papers. Brian has presented at conferences all over the world. He was a founding member of The Family Institute, Cardiff, the first agency in Britain devoted solely to the practice and teaching of, family therapy. He helped develop the use of brief and solution-focused approaches, and was influenced by his long friendships with, John Weakland of The Brief Therapy Centre, Palo Alto, California, and Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg of the Brief Family Therapy Centre, Milwaukee, and the Milan associates, amongst others. Brian is currently in private practice, in Sydney, Australia.